Creating log files for technical support
In most cases, TAC will need a set of log files from nGeniusONE Server to troubleshoot problems.
It is recommended to create these log files immediately after the problem has risen and send them to TAC as soon as possible by attaching them to the ticket during creation.
Using an SSH claint of our choice, login to nGeniusONE Server CLI.
Move to the folder /opt/NetScout/rtm/bin/
# cd /opt/NetScout/rtm/bin
Run the script named with the option norm or html
- norm: places compressed logs in /opt/NetScout/rtm/bin
- html: places compressed logs in /opt/NetScout/rtm/html and allows them to be downloaded remotely via a web browser by navigating to https://<IP-NGS>:8080/logfiles.html
# ./ norm
Should output:
Gathering log files... This may take a minute. Please wait... Running SQL Against nGenius Database [09:33:35]Debug:Debug initialized (level 3), logging disabled [09:33:35]ConnectionPoolImpl:Initialized connection Pool size, count : 0 [09:33:35]Scheduler:schedule poller task com.netscout.frameworks.dbx.ConnectionPoolImpl@2e0fa5d3 at a rate 900 [09:33:35]ConnectionPool:Creating ConnectionPool Default Instance [09:33:35]nGeniusSQL:sql: select E.mel_ip, D.serial_number from device_details D, monitored_elements E where D.mel_id = E.mel_id Output File: <IP-NGS>.NNNNNNNNNN.profile.txt ========================================== Gathering logs completed Location: /opt/NetScout/rtm/bin Filename: YYYYMMDD-HHMM-<HOSTNAME-NGS>-PMlogs.tar.gz ==========================================
Now remove the archive from the server and send it to TAC.