Reset hardware pulse to factory defaults

Revision as of 12:54, 21 July 2018 by Bert (talk | contribs)
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This procedure will reset configuration, unclaim the pulse (nGeniusPULSE) and remove cloud association (TruView Live).



Reset to factory defaults

  • Detach the pulse from the switch and insert two type AA batteries
  • From a powered-off state, press and hold the power button for about 30 seconds
    • The symbols are all yellow during the first 15 seconds, then change to green while "marching upwards" for another 15 seconds. When the sysmbold all flash green, release the power button
    • The symbols stay green and "march downwards" while the pulse powers-off to indicate a successful "factory defaults" operation
  • If you hold the power button for too long, the symbols turn yellow and "march downward" to indicate a failed attempt to restore the factory defaults



The pulse is now configured for DHCP.

  • Remove the batteries, attach the pulse to the PoE switch and wait until the DHCP symbol illuminates.
  • Use a web brower to connect to the pulse. 
    • To facilitate finding the IP address, the MAC address is printed on the back of the pulse