Creating logs for TAC

Revision as of 15:20, 10 August 2018 by Bert (talk | contribs)
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In case of a problem, it is best to gather logs from nGeniusPULSE as soon as possible and save them for TAC. 

To same time, you may as well attach them immediately to the create ticket request



Login to NGP as nGPadmin

Run the following command:

$ sudo ./opt/ipm/appliance/

Sould output:

[root@hostname ~]$ sudo ./opt/ipm/appliance/

Beginning nGeniusPULSE log collection.  This may take a few minutes. Please wait...
    Gathering platform information...
    Gathering configuration information...
    Gathering log files...
    Gathering application information...
    Packaging collected files...

Log collection completed
Location: /var/lib/ngp/appliance/logs
Filename: /var/lib/ngp/appliance/logs/YYYYMMDD-HHMM-hostname-nGPlogs.tar.gz

The logs are stored in /var/lib/ngp/appliance/logs/