vSTREAM Embedded on Linux

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This is a simplified installation procedure that meets most customer needs and can be used for installation of any Linux-flavor host cmputer. The complete installation manual can be found on MyNetscout.




Copy the .bin installer to a local directory, for example use wget to copy the installer to the tmp directory. The file can be removerd after completion.

# cd /tmp

# wget https://comcert.box.com/shared/static/something.bin

# mv something.bin is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.bin

# md5sum is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.bin

# chmod +x is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.bin

# ./is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.bin -i console

Should output (example on ubuntu):

vSTREAM-EMB install path selected: /usr/lib/NetScout
Starting installation of vSTREAM-EMB Version : 6.1.1  Build: 668
groupadd: group 'ngenius' already exists
groupadd: group 'vscout_lighttpd' already exists
vSTREAM-EMB installation has been successfully completed...
● vstream-emb.service - SYSV: Starts and stops NETSCOUT vSCOUT probe service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/vstream-emb; bad; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-05-07 16:26:53 UTC; 11ms ago
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)
  Process: 29896 ExecStart=/etc/init.d/vstream-emb start (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 30030 (nsprobe)
    Tasks: 13
   Memory: 346.4M
      CPU: 827ms
   CGroup: /system.slice/vstream-emb.service
           ├─30027 /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin/procmanager
           ├─30030 /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin/nsprobe -r -l -c -G
           ├─30057 /bin/bash /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin/monvscoutd start
           ├─30059 /bin/bash /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin/monvscoutd start
           ├─30061 ps -aux
           ├─30062 grep monvscout.sh
           └─30063 wc -l

May 07 16:26:39 ip-10-167-4-92 systemd[1]: Starting SYSV: Starts and stops NETSCOUT vSCOUT probe service...
May 07 16:26:39 ip-10-167-4-92 vstream-emb[29896]: Starting vstream-emb:
May 07 16:26:53 ip-10-167-4-92 systemd[1]: Started SYSV: Starts and stops NETSCOUT vSCOUT probe service.

Should output (example on CentOS):

Starting installation of vSTREAM-EMB Version : 6.1.1  Build : 668
Lighttpd service is running. Please make sure you choose different HTTP/HTTPS ports for vSTREAM-EMB configuration to avoid conflict with existing lighttpd service
groupadd: group 'ngenius' already exists
groupadd: group 'vscout_lighttpd' already exists
vSTREAM-EMB installation has been successfully completed...
vSTREAM-EMB is  running....
vSTREAM-EMB <---> nG1 communication agent is not running....
    user,  pid,  rss,  vsz,  pm,  pc, command
root      2728 494676 560092 24.2 11.5 nsprobe



# cd /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/config
# vi nsagent_config.cfg

Change "export HTTP_PORT=8080" to "export HTTP_PORT=7080"

Change "export HTTPS_PORT=8443" to "export HTTPS_PORT=7443"


export NSCOMM_PORT=395
export NSCONSOLE_PORT=1501
export HTTP_PORT=7080
export HTTPS_PORT=7443
export  MON_INF=eth0
export MGMT_INF=eth0



# systemctl restart vstream-emb


# service vstream-emb stop
# service vstream-emb start

Note: restarting the system may take a minute.



Verify if services procmana and nsprobe are running

root@ip-10-167-4-92:/usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin# ./PS
    user,  pid,  rss,  vsz,  pm,  pc, command
root     30027  3152   4604  0.1  0.0 procmana
root     30030 494664 560080 24.1 7.2 nsprobe



In case of a firewall, drill holes in the firewall on the host or between host and nGeniusONE Server to allow these sessions:

From nGeniusONE Server (Standalone or Local Server) to host:

  • tcp/8080 or tcp/8443 (recommended)
  • tcp/1501 (optional but required for Remote Login from nGeniusONE Server to vSTREAM Embedded)

From host to nGeniusONE Server (Standalone or Local Server):

  • tcp/395 (optional but required for automatic registation of the vSTREAM Embedded in nGeniusONE Server)
  • GRE (IP protocol number 47) or udp/ . Both are optional but it is recommeded to open these ports already.



Run the agent configuration utility to add vSTREAM Embedded to NGS.

# cd /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin 
# ./localconsole



Go to NGS > Console > Device Configuration > Devices and change the name of the  vSTREAM Embedded you just added from its UUID to a more meaningfull name (example IS-<hostname>) before continuing to the next installation. 



# cd /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin
# ./vscout_uninstall.sh