vSTREAM Embedded on Linux

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This is a simplified installation procedure that has been thoroughly tested by our engineers.  It meets most customer's needs and can be trusted for installation of vSTREAM Embedded on any Linux-based host.  The complete and detailed installation guide can be found on MyNetscout.  We've installed vSTREAM Embedded with success on both physical and virtual servers. 



Before you install

We do not want to use most of the default communication ports because they are too common and may be used by other processes on the target host, now or in the future.

We want to display a name for the vSTREAM Embedded in Device Configuration different from the uuid. We suggest to use the hostname of the target host.

In most cases the IP address of the nGeniusONE server is already known.

We can put all these modifications in a couple of text files and make the installation silent and ready to be scripted !

Pre-configuration files

Create the file /tmp/nsagent_config.cfg with the following content. Replace A.B.C.D with the IP address of the nGeniusONE (Local) Server.

# vi /tmp/nsagent_config.cfg

export NSCOMM_PORT=395
export NSCONSOLE_PORT=7501
export HTTP_PORT=7080
export HTTPS_PORT=7443

(save and exit with ":wq")

Create the file /tmp/nsprobeid with the following content. Replace HOSTNAME with the actual hostname or any value you need to proper identify this vSTREAM Enbedden in nGeniusONE. The name can be up to 127 characters but in can only contain alphanumerical characters, period (.) and hyphen (-).

# vi /tmp/nsagent_config.cfg


(save and exit with ":wq")



Copy the most recent version of the rpm to the /tmp directory on the target host. It is recommended to keep the original file name for reference.

# cd /tmp

# wget https://comcert.box.com/shared/static/something.rpm

# mv something.rpm is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.x86_64.rpm

# md5sum is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.x86_64.rpm

Run the rpm. There are no dependencies to be installed.

# yum localinstall is-6110-668-vSTREAM_EMB.x86_64.rpm --nogpgcheck



# cd /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/config
# vi nsagent_config.cfg

Change "export HTTP_PORT=8080" to "export HTTP_PORT=7080"

Change "export HTTPS_PORT=8443" to "export HTTPS_PORT=7443"


export NSCOMM_PORT=395
export NSCONSOLE_PORT=1501
export HTTP_PORT=7080
export HTTPS_PORT=7443
export  MON_INF=eth0
export MGMT_INF=eth0



# systemctl restart vstream-emb


# service vstream-emb stop
# service vstream-emb start

Note: restarting the system may take a minute.



Verify if services procmana and nsprobe are running

root@ip-10-167-4-92:/usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin# ./PS
    user,  pid,  rss,  vsz,  pm,  pc, command
root     30027  3152   4604  0.1  0.0 procmana
root     30030 494664 560080 24.1 7.2 nsprobe



From nGeniusONE Server (Standalone or Local Server) to host:

  • tcp/7080 or tcp/7443 (we recommend to use the latter)
  • tcp/1501 (optional feature; Remote Login from nGeniusONE Server to vSTREAM Embedded)

From host to nGeniusONE Server (Standalone or Local Server):

  • tcp/395 (optional feature; automatic registation of the vSTREAM Embedded in nGeniusONE Server)

Between host and InfiniStreamNG:

  • GRE (IP protocol number 47) or udp/50100. Tunneling packets is optional but it is recommeded to have this protocol/port open .



Run the agent configuration utility to add vSTREAM Embedded to NGS.

# cd /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin 
# ./localconsole



Go to NGS > Console > Device Configuration > Devices and change the name of the vSTREAM EMB from UUID to a more meaningfull name (example IS-<hostname>) before continuing to the next installation. If you have added multiple vSTREAM EMB at once and don't know which is which, the UUID is found at (hidden):


Example: 31cf3c80-44e8-4efe-8e59-ee368152f18f becomes IS-AWS-FRA-L-WEB-COMC



# cd /usr/lib/NetScout/rtm/bin
# ./vscout_uninstall.sh