Restart all services

Revision as of 15:59, 1 September 2017 by Bert (talk | contribs)
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The out-of-the box stop and start script is silent and generates no screen output . It is non-system specific i.e. services will fail to stop and/or start and the user cannot  know for sure if that behavior is sign of a problem or not.



Running the script

If the system has been installed by COMCERT, we installed a system specific script to restart all services.

In case of an eminent problem, running the restart script may reveal what service failed to start. Mention this service when you contact techsupport.

  • Log in with SSH
  • Assume root
$ sudo su -
  • Change to the /opt/tv folder
# cd /opt/tv
  • Run the restart script
# ./

Sample screen output on TVC

Sample screen output on TVF

Sample screen output on TVP