Creating logs for TAC

Revision as of 15:25, 10 August 2018 by Bert (talk | contribs)
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In case of a problem, it is best to gather logs from nGeniusPULSE as soon as possible.

There's not much TAC can do without a set of recent logs and configuration files.

So, same time and attach them immediately to the "create ticket" request.



Login to nGP as nGPadmin

Run the following script:

$ sudo ./opt/ipm/appliance/

Should output:

[root@hostname ~]$ sudo ./opt/ipm/appliance/

Beginning nGeniusPULSE log collection.  This may take a few minutes. Please wait...
    Gathering platform information...
    Gathering configuration information...
    Gathering log files...
    Gathering application information...
    Packaging collected files...

Log collection completed
Location: /var/lib/ngp/appliance/logs
Filename: /var/lib/ngp/appliance/logs/YYYYMMDD-HHMM-hostname-nGPlogs.tar.gz

Logs are stored on the appliance under /var/lib/ngp/appliance/logs/